Categories: Pencil PerceptionsPublished On: July 1, 20190 Comments8.7 min read
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Have you ever felt art Felt the way your hand strokes the
glossy pages?
Have you ever let art liberate you?
Picasso, one of the greatest artists of the modern era once
said that every child is an artist, the question is: how they
remain artists once they grow up.

Art is one if the most fulfilling yet one of the most neglected
career fields. This is due to various reasons: predominantly
because people find in it a hobby but they do not find scope in
art. That’s where the problem arises.

To truly find a purpose in art we must let our heart lead the
way, not the mind. To pursue something just for the scope it
provides is disrespectful ,not only to the field but also to your
“An artist" is a term that is used by many but very few
understand it’s true essence. An artist is consistent, relentless
and most importantly considerate. Considerate towards the
work they deliver, considerate towards honing their skills and
considerate towards truly enjoying the art they pursue.

Each one of us is an untapped artist. Each one of us has had
and will always have the potential to create a masterpiece.
If you put in your heart and soul into pursuing this wonderful
field of art, you will realise that the true beauty of art lies in
becoming a beacon of hope to the ones who are sceptical
about pursuing this field.
What it takes is true passion, genuine longing ,heartfelt desire
and most importantly: Just a bit of courage to pursue the
stone that we once left unturned.

-By Avanti Nayal

(17years old)

Student Post


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