10 Stunning  Portrait Drawings by Sadashiv Sawant Sir & Students

Shree Pramukh Swami

By Sadashiv Sawant

Shah Rukh Khan "

By Vishal  ( Student )

Shahid Kapoor

By Sadashiv Sawant

Kushal Badrike

By Arttraktion ( Student )

James Bond

By Sadashiv Sawant

Anirudha Bapu

By Arttraktion ( Student )

Shree Vijay Bodhiratnsureshwarji

By Sadashiv Sawant

Dapu Khan Mirasi

By Smith ( Student )

These drawings were some of the mind-blowing sketches drawn by Sir Sadashiv Sawant & students, and if you are amazed by witnessing it and have a thought or ever had a dream to draw such a beautiful art but don't have enough skills. Then you must join our Online Sketching Classes by none other than Sir Sadashiv Sawant, also awarded as Pencil Master of India.